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Hydrogen Peroxide as Treatment for Common Cold

Hydrogen Peroxide, a treatment for common cold? The answer is a 100% YES!

If you were looking for a home remedy and easy-to-find cure for your common cold then it is the right page for you. 

It may sound bizarre but thousands of people already tested and proved that hydrogen peroxide can really cure common cold.

How do hydrogen peroxide treat common cold? 

We were taught in school to cover our nose and mouth to prevent catching virus and cold from people who have it. But the important thing that we didn't know about colds and viruses is that, it actually enters the ear canal and not through eyes, nose and mouth.

Covering your ears may reduce the chance of catching a virus, but then take note that viruses cannot be seen by our naked eye and may find its way to get through or land anywhere that could contaminate your body part and find contact to the crucial area. 

The virus will begin to breed and multiply when it already entered the middle ear and can travel throughout our body and make a sorcery to make our white blood cells gear up for a great battle! 

Here's the procedure to counter the evil doing of colds and viruses to our body: 

1. Prepare a hydrogen peroxide with 3% solution. You can buy it in any pharmacy or drugstore near you for a very reasonable price. 
2. Lie sideways in bed so the hydrogen peroxide won't flow out of your ear. You can also tilt your head but make sure that the hydrogen peroxide won't come out.
2. Use the medicine dropper or eye dropper and drop a small amount of 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in the ear. 
3. After 2-5 minutes you will hear a bubble effect inside your ear. Do not panic! It is normal and it means hydrogen peroxide is eliminating all the viruses before it spreads throughout your body. 
4. After the bubbles are gone, you can now drain your ear and use a cloth or tissue to wipe it. 
5. Follow the same instruction and do it on the other ear. 

Then after few hours you can finally feel a relief and you're free from the common colds. You can repeat the procedure every after 1 or 2 hours until you finally good.

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